Video Recording in Selenium using C#
The below code can be used to record the video of the actions done by Selenium till the point of failure or you can record the entire testcase that is being executed by Selenium...
All about Selenium Automation Testing
The below code can be used to record the video of the actions done by Selenium till the point of failure or you can record the entire testcase that is being executed by Selenium...
We can log the error messages and Verbose to ChromeDriver.log via Selenium by using the below code System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; // startInfo.FileName =...
As we test different webpages in Automation sometimes we may encounter scenario where we may need to switch over to different frames on Windows to test ,click and verify the elements on those webpages...
Here is the small method that makes use of Selenium’s inbuilt functionality to get the title of any webpage //Static class Extra public static class Extra { //New single method to get the...
The below post will illustrate how to do a mousehover over the element and then click on the submenu or link that’s displayed on hover over the first element Step 1 : Do a...
Many a times we may just need to verify whether the sub menus are displayed when we hover over a mousemenu like shown below In the above picture we may have to verify...
Instead of using C#’s Thread.sleep functionality we can use the same but through another class All we have to do is call Extra.Sleep(2000) in our Selenium Code and the only one prerequisite is we...
As of now there is no straightforward way to get innerHTML of an element using RemoteWebDrive in any of the languages but we can get it using the javascript way /* Way to get...
To take screenshots in Selenium, when you are using Python to write your Automated testcases, please make use of the below code from selenium import webdriver //You can use any Driver here be...
Find the below that can be used to take screenshots in Selenium when you writing your Automated code in Ruby require ‘rubygems’ require ‘selenium-webdriver’ driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :ie driver.get “” //This can be...